K'inja Shivaji

The Risen Star of Ul'dah

"If I could paint the sky...would all the stars be shining bloody red?"


Name: K'inja Shivaji
Alias: Dahlia
Age: Unknown (Looks to be about late 20's/early 30's)
Deity: Azeyma
Race: Seeker of the Sun
Birthplace: The Sagoli Desert
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Eye Color: Amber
Build: 5'0", gracefully slender / petite
Notable Skills: Foresight, Aetherial Camoflague, Silver-tongued, Linguistics (Can speak and write most known languages, and can mimic any dialect with relative ease).
Professions (Public Knowledge): Songstress, Dancer, Model, Fortune-Teller, Socialite
Likes: Spicy food, warm/hot weather, sailing, fishing, cooking, the arts
Dislikes: Ishgard and its traditions, the pretentious rich, cowardice

Her personality seems to adapt to the people she is around:Political Powers / Nobility: Her mannerisms and speech reveal that she was likely adopted into higher society, or at least had been around it long enough. She is well-mannered, poised, and cordial. On the outside, she is just your typical noblewoman. But is there more than meets the eye?Other Performers / Troupes: She seems positively blissful and in her own world at times. She may come off a bit airheaded and giggly, and she seems to dance with every movement, but there is certainly something emanating from this woman: freedom.Her Friends: Unlike with those she doesn't know, she doesn't have a filter around those she truly deems friends...which is both a good and a bad thing, depending on the way one looks at it. Her remarks contain sharp wit, and she seems to always be joking about one thing or another. Is this who she truly is, or is it just another one of her masks?


Not much is known of this woman, as she seems to be but a pretty face in the crowd at many lavish balls and political socials. One may recognize her as the famous songstress and firedancer known around Ul'dah, Ala Mhigo, and Radz-at-Han as "The Desert Dahlia." Others swear to recognize her as someone who has done infiltration work with the Rogues. However one may meet her, one would hope it would not be at the pointed end of her blade.☼ If your character studied the ways of the Astrologian in Sharlayan, they may have studied with her at some point. Likewise, if your character is interested in hidden magicks or has the gift of foresight, those are topics K'inja has studied most of her life and loves to seek more knowledge and skill.☼ If your character frequents Ul'dah, Ala Mhigo, Radz-at-han, or any of the surrounding areas, and enjoy the performing arts, they would most definitely recognize her.☼ If your character came from Radz-at-han or has ever lived there, it is likely that they know her, or would at the very least recognize her--she spent a lot of her early years working there with her father.☼ Her surname would be recognized by any sailor, merchant, or privateer who has frequented the Near-Eastern seas and trading routes. Her father Shivaji was a well-respected sailor and merchant who owned his own trading company, which K'inja reluctantly inherited after his untimely death.☼ If your character is Ishgardian, they may harbor a deep disdain for her-in a very publicized scandal, it was revealed that the famous Desert Dahlia may or may not be responsible for the cold-blooded murder of six knights proper, all in service to House Delevaux. They were found lacerated and unrecognizable. Her trial by combat, however, was won in her favor.☼ If your character is part of the Seeker of the Sun Hipparion Tribe, she has always been curious about her tribe of origin would absolutely love to learn more!

OOC Information

☼ Walkups adored! I am 25+, and prefer people I RP with to be as well. A lot of the time, due to RL demands, I am in game but afk--feel free to send me a /tell if you find me unresponsive to a walkup.☼ I am an experienced role-player with about a decade under my belt. I am always looking for RP connections, especially those involving political powers, the occult, espionage, trade companies, or the criminal underground. It is important to note that she may use her alias when introducing herself to your character for IC reasons.☼ Loved themes: Pretty much everything! Anything from light-hearted and laid-back to dark, witchy, political, and mature. Romance is okay too, as long as it happens organically, and is not the main focus. I do, however, prefer my RP to be at least somewhat story-driven, and follow the number one rule: IC is not OOC. NO ERP.

The Desert Dahlia

I am an experienced dancer IRL, and have 15+ years of experience in dance, choreography, and stage presence. Therefore, I enjoy transferring these skills to an in-game format--IC performance!What I do: I write macros that include a smooth and entertaining combination of emotes, spells of various jobs, items, and glam changes. I time the macros to real-time music, and use a safe music streamer. I do not claim to own the rights to any real music I use, I am just playing from YouTube. No real payment is necessary, IC gil works just fine. If you would like a demonstration of one of my dances, feel free to message me in game or discord: sicksadmaddie#2220Hire The Desert Dahlia to perform, and whatever the occasion, you can be sure that it will be a night to remember~